Semester 1 Final


///Caelan Dorstad
///period 6
///Program Name: Sem1Final
///File Name:

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;

      public class Sem1Final
      	public static void main( String[] args )

             Scanner input = new Scanner(;
	     System.out.println("Enter number of flips, please.");
	      	int flipnumb = input.nextInt ();
            while ( flipnumb < 1 || flipnumb > 2100000000 )
                System.out.print( "Your number was ");
            if ( flipnumb < 1 )
		              System.out.println("Very small");
                System.out.print("Very Large");
            System.out.println("Please enter a number between 1 & 2.1B");
            flipnumb = input.nextInt();
          Random r = new Random();
          int flipsflipped = 0;
          int heads = 0;
          int outcome = 0;
          while ( flipsflipped < flipnumb )
            outcome = r.nextInt(2);
              heads = heads + outcome;
          int tailTotal = flipsflipped - heads;
          System.out.println("In " + flipnumb + " coin flips, " + heads + " heads were rolled and " + tailTotal + " tails were rolled.");
          double headProbablility = (double) heads / flipsflipped;
          double tailProbablility = (double) tails / flipsflipped;
          System.out.println("During this trial, the probability of flipping heads was " + headProbability + ".");
          System.out.println("With the probability if tails being " + tailProbability + ".");